Active Body Physiotherapy

Exercise Physiology

Individualised and structured exercise programs, specialised in return from injury, athletes or individuals wanting to improve performance, strength, power, speed, endurance, flexibility and/or overall lifestyle.


Our team are experts in movement and function. They not only treat the presenting injury but also, and more importantly, aim to prevent them


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Over 30 years of combined sports rehabilitation and sports coverage experience working with athletes of all levels, from the everyday weekend warrior to National Representative Athletes.

Home >  Blog >  Ice VS Heat

Ice VS Heat

Posted by Active Body Physiotherapy on 22 August 2014
Ice VS Heat

One of the most common questions a Physio gets is; 'Should I be using heat or ice for my injury?'

Generally speaking, ICE is always recommended for an acute injury (the first 48-72 hours post injury), this is to help reduce pain, as well as play a role in swelling management (while also following the common RICER principle of Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and Referral and avoiding the HARM principle of Heat, Alcohol, Running, Massage).

For more chronic injuries (common injuries such as lower back pain, neck pain, etc), HEAT is typically recommended to assist in the relaxation of tightened muscles in the area that are common in these more chronic injuries.

At the end of the day, do what works for you and whatever gives you the most relief. The above is just a general guideline that we follow, but often, what works for one person, doesn't necessarily work for everyone else. If you have any concerns about your injury and it is affecting your day to day life, always be sure to get it checked out and treated by your physiotherapist to prevent making it worse or prolonging your recovery!

Author:Active Body Physiotherapy


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